The four of us are here at Kill Devil Hills, NC which, if you don’t know, is part of the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We arrived yesterday later in the day. It is so beautiful here and the weather thus far has cooperated with our short trip. Let’s hope that continues tomorrow for our last day here. After our arrival at the hotel, we set out to get dinner at Mako Mikes. I had crab legs that were excellent. The only thing I would complain about the place was the amount of noise. It is a large place with many tables which in itself would make it loud, but then add a gift shop in the middle of the restaurant and very loud music and you have overload. After dinner, we came back and said we are not missing time at the beach even though the sun was setting already and we could see a honey moon rising. We put our swim stuff on and headed down to the water. We didn’t do much other than enjoy the warmth of the air and beautiful view. We tried to go in the water, but without the sun out it was too cold. After a while we went back to our room, which by the way is right next to the beach and we can see the ocean from our room window (true the hotels pool section is between our room and the ocean, but you can still see it).
Today we started our day off great. Got all the kids fed and in the car to go to the Wright brothers memorial at a reasonable hour. We headed over there and it was wonderful. They had a museum (did not go in) and a pavilion which had replicas of their plane inside (went in). It was pretty exciting to see what people have tried in their time. We then made the trek to the top of Kill Devil Hill where the monument is. This was quite the task. It was a very steep walk and long, which made it very tiresome. Did I mention that I was also carrying Zach in the sling?
Now onto the exciting part of the day. Dave lost his glasses in the ocean. It was the end of our time at the beach today after we had tried for hours to Abby to at least put her feet in the water. She would not cooperate. Dave had wanted to go into the water one last time to get wet again. Up until the end of the day Abby had refused to go near the water or go in the water. Abby was finally ready and wanted to go in. Dave came and got her and they went through the waves together. Dave and Abby were on their way into the shore when the unthinkable happened. A large wave (apparently larger then Dave thought) was coming towards them. They could not outrun it so they had to jump it. It of course, being the ocean, crested before they expected, so when Dave had jumped he miscalculated. The wave hit them both in the face. I was just walking out with Zach to meet them in the water and hang out. I started to get in when I looked at Dave panicking and feeling the ocean with one hand. I then look at his face and yelled to him, “Did you just lose your glasses in the ocean?” YES! Can you believe it? The wave had knocked Dave’s glasses off his face and they were gone. Never to be found again. Of course we don’t have an extra pair here and neither Dave nor I had brought our contacts with us (lesson learned). We now had to hurry up and try to find somewhere on the island where Dave could get new glasses today. We rushed back to the room and began to call around. Why does everyone have to close by 5pm?
So as of tonight Dave is blind with no glasses (oh yeah and by the way today is Dave’s 30 birthday). Tomorrow morning we are heading over to a place that opens at 8am and the guy said he could get Dave a pair in an hour. Hopefully it will all work out tomorrow. Night, night!

Mommy, Abby, and Zach at the Wright Brother's Memorial

Daddy and Abby at the Wright Brothers' Memorial

Mommy, Abby, and Zach at the beach

Daddy and Abby in the water!

Pooped from a long day!