Yesterday Abby turned 3 years old. I can’t believe how time has flown by that my little baby girl is not a little baby anymore, but a big sister. She is growing into quite the little girl.
During this past year she moved from the toddlers room at her daycare to the twaddlers room. She has done great in there. She is learning how to write and can write her letter A for Abby. She is also learning to recognize her letters. Every time she sees a letter A she says A for Abby. She also is getting better at coloring and painting. She loves art projects. She is making great friends at daycare. Her bff is a girl named Cassie. She is always talking about how she played with Cassie and when she takes a stuffed animal or toy into school she says she want to share it with Cassie. She is so much more social than before going to daycare. Now when she sees people she says hi and will answer simple questions like how old she is and her name without hiding behind me or wanting to be picked up. She also loves to show off her baby brother and tell them he is Zach. Abby can even play on her and is becoming more creative with her toys when she plays with them. It is wonderful to see creativity blossoming in her.
For her birthday she took in cupcakes to daycare to share with her friends. She loved it! Unfortunately Dave and I still had to work on her birthday, but she didn’t seem to mind. When we got home from school and work we had lasagna for dinner. Abby loves any kind of pasta. She even said one day when we came home and Dave was cooking spaghetti, “I smell noodles.” She also said that when we went to Olive Garden recently when we walked in the door. She definitely knows her pasta.
After she was done with her lasagna, she said she wanted her birthday. She meant her birthday cake. We had saved some of the cupcakes to have with her that night. We put a candle in each of the 3 cupcakes and sang to her. Her face lit up with such joy when I brough the cupcakes with candles in them out. She waited until we were done signing to her and then she blew out each candle one by one without any help from Mom of Dad. She is so independant.
Abby also received a special call from Grammy, Gramps, and Aunt Becky to wish her a happy birthday. Grammy sang to her a special happy birthday song. It was a verson of happy birthday that I used to here as a kid at an italian resturant back in Rochester, NY, though I can’t remember the name of it right now. Abby loved her special call and told Grammy all about her day and how she had cupcakes at school with her friends. We can’t wait to see Grammy, Gramps, and Aunt Becky for Abby’s birthday party over labor day weekend.
After dinner and cupcakes Abby was given her birthday gift from Mommy and Daddy. We got Abby a big girl bike. It is a 12 inch 2 wheeler bike with training wheels. Abby said, “That my bike,” and immediatly wanted to get on the bike and ride it. We adjusted Abby’s helmet and took the bike to the street. At first Abby could not really work the peddles, but she was persistant and with the help of Mommy pushing she was able to peddle. Once she figured out she could peddle she kept pushing me off and saying she wanted to do it by herself. Of course the inevitable happened, Abby fell off her bike for the first time. Abby was so focused on her feet and trying to peddle she was not steering. She had the handle bars turned and was riding in a circle. The circle became too tight and the bike tipped over even with training wheels. Now and know why they insist on children wearing helmets. She ended up scrapping her elbow and knee. We put band aides on both and Abby was ready to get back on her bike. It didn’t set her back in the least. She began riding again and wanted to show the neighbors kid, Eva, her knew bike and show her she could do it by herself. We rode by Eva’s house and Eva waved from inside the front door. This made Abby very happy.
Of course it was time for bed and Abby had to put her bike in the garage and stop riding it. She was having so much fun she did not want to, but we were able to finally convince her that she could ride it again another day.
It was a wonderful day full of joy and fun. I can’t wait for her party. We have both family and friends coming to be with Abby on her special day.

Abby's birthday cupcakes

Abby sees her bike and helmet for the first time.

Abby learning how to make the peddles go.