Zach is now 2 1/2 months old. Time seems to be really flying. He is getting so big and changes everyday.
Zach and Abby went for the well baby visit together, Abby for her 3 year check up and Zach for his 2 month check up. They did a great job and are growing well. There are no concerns with their health. Abby is now 31 lbs and 36.5 in. and Zach is 15 lbs 1 oz and 23.5 in. Abby was able to skip getting any shots. She did get a flu vaccine, but she is old enough now to get the flu mist, which is a spray up each nostril. Zach unfortunately had to get 2 shots in his legs. He only cried for a minute and then was ok.
In Zach’s 2nd month he started daycare with Abby. So far it has been a pleasant experience. Though, it is much harder to get 2 kids out the door and to daycare and get to work on time. I am still working on that. Some mornings are better than others. Dave is helping as much as he can without both of us being late for work. According to Zach’s teachers and the papers they send home about his day he is doing well. He drinks his bottles well and is usually in a pleasant mood. The bottles still remain expressed milk, which I am very glad of. My work place has been great about letting me pump several times a day. Zach is then nursing at night and in the mornings before school. He is doing great with both and seems to not have any kind of confusion.
One of the teachers asked me if Zach smiles a lot at home. I told her he often does. She said he is always smiling at school. That makes me feel good because of course I was feeling bad about taking him to day care so young. I had spent a year and a half home with my older daughter, but am not doing the same this time around. I have a job now that I love and want to keep. I grew up going to daycare and am no worse for the wear, so I figure they will be fine.
Zach is also getting much stronger and is able to control his head better. He loves to look all around when you hold him on your shoulder. He also can lift and turn his head when he is on his belly. Zach has started to grab objects and bring them to his mouth. Unlike my older daughter Zach is a thumb/hand sucker. He can calm himself down at times by bringing his hand to his mouth and sucking on it. Sometimes he even gets just his thumb in there, but most of the time it is his whole fist. He also loves to “talk” to us. If you coo at him, he will coo right back with big smiles. He is also getting ticklish on his feet and belly. I can’t wait until he gives a good laugh. He does small laughs, but I love the sound of a good hardy laugh from the belly. Lastly, Zach is starting to sleep longer at night. Now he will go for 4 to 5 hours without eating at night and sleeps the whole time. We are starting to put him in his crib for the first part and then when he wakes up at 3 or 4 for his second feeding we then keep him with us in the bassinet. It is a good change for mommy and daddy. We can then have some more time just the two of us together without the kids.

Go Steelers!

Say ha ha ha!