Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Zach 5 months

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Zach is now 5 months old. He is growing leaps and bounds. I had to change out all his clothes right before Thanksgiving to his 6 to 9 month clothes. Zach you have to stop growing so that we have enough clothes for you, LOL! Zach is now 19 lbs 13 oz.

Zach is getting much better at his fine motor control. You can see him concentrating on controlling his hand to pick up specific toys. Then once he has them he can now hold onto to them and put them in his mouth (which he does most of the time) or shake them to make noise. He loves one rattle in particular. Whenever he moves it and it makes its rattle noise he smiles. We keep that one at the dinner table with us. We have been putting Zach in his high chair at the dinner table with some toys whenever we are eating. He seems to like that better than the bouncy chair or on the floor. He likes to be up with the rest of us at the table. We will probably be starting him on solids soon. He seems to be getting interested in watching us eat, typically a sign they want to start solids.

Zach is also moving forward with his gross motor control. He has now rolled over completely several times, though I think Dave has missed everyone of them. Dave will be with Zach and trying to get him to roll over for him and of course Zach does it the second Dave looks away for something. You catch it one of these times Dave. Zach has also discovered his feet. He is starting to grab them when he is lying on his back. We now have to keep shoes on him to keep him from pulling off his socks and then sucking on them. Wet socks, gross! We still have to work on those stomach muscles to help him sit up on his own. He is getting much better though. When you hold his hands he will try and pull himself up to sitting position. He still can’t stay there on this own and needs support, but we will keep working on it.

Zach is still a very happy baby. He loves to make noise and make himself heard, whether that is good or bad. He also loves his sister and still smiles whenever he sees her. She is wonderful with him. She is now starting to play with him more, since he now reacts more to her. She reads him books, gives him toys, and loves to help whenever she can. She will get very jealous if you don’t ask her to help. She is a great big sister. I hope it remains this way.

Unfortunately, Zach is sick right now with a bad cold. It has gone to his chest so he is coughing and wheezing. Dave took him to the doctor yesterday and they prescribed nebulizer treatments every 4 to 6 hours to help open him up. I hope he gets better soon.





The best part of the Thanksgiving Weekend

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Every year there is, of course, a favorite part of the weekend. Usually it is going to Linda and Andy’s for their special meal after Thanksgiving Day. I love Andy’s cooking. This year it was still the same, though different. Usually all the family goes to Linda and Andy’s. This year the meal at Linda and Andy’s was very small and intimate. Since Becky had gotten sick no one really wanted to be around us. They didn’t want to take the chance of their kids getting sick, like Becky, since we didn’t know exactly what she had (turned out she had just a 48 hour bug of some kind). The family is being very cautious this year with the loss of Maddie. Since we only go to NJ once a year for Thanksgiving, so we got the priority to go to Linda and Andy’s.

We went there on Saturday afternoon for a late lunch, early dinner. It was only Dave, Abby, Zach and I along with my one cousin Janet and my Aunt Carole and Uncle Dave. It was a wonderful time. We got to talk with Linda and Andy and hear wonderful stories of Maddie and her year with us. I had only seen Maddie one time, which was last Thanksgiving, since like I said before we only see that side of the family once a year. I hadn’t really gotten to know Maddie, but was able to get to know her a little better through their stories. We talked about how she could say hi, mommy, and had just started to say daddy. We saw wonderful pictures of Maddie all around the house. We even took the time to go to her room and see some of the posters from the funeral. I lost it when we went into her room and couldn’t hold back the tears. No one should ever outlive their children.

We continue to lift up Linda and Andy and pray for strength and comfort.

Willow Run

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It has now become a tradition since we started going to my Uncle’s for Thanksgiving that either Friday or Saturday morning we head over to a local nursery to look at their Christmas display. It is a wonderful place called Willow Run. They have live animals that you can feed, a Christmas display of various Christmas scenes, and of course Christmas trees all wonderfully decorated. Each year we pick out several things to buy from Willow Run. Mainly window clings of some sort. This year we did end up getting couple other things. We let Abby pick out LED lights for a small tree we had for her bedroom. She also picked out a small gold star for the top of her tree. She was so excited to get to pick these out. We also got a Christmas door mat and some window clings. We are trying the gel ones this year. We will see how they go.

Abby, of course, loved the animals the best and probably could have stayed there all day feeding them. At Willow run the animals are all behind a double fence so you can’t touch them. They have tubes you put the food down that goes into a trough for the animals to eat. Abby liked putting the corn kernels down the tube one kernel at a time. It was a miracle the animals could find the kernels and eat them. Though I have to say it did save me quarters, since she wasn’t putting whole handfuls down the tubes and then asking for more over and over again. Way to have self control kid!








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I know it has been almost 2 weeks since Thanksgiving, but I still wanted to post about our Thanksgiving time. Sometimes it seems so hard to get on the computer and post things. I have intentions of doing it every night and every night something comes up or the day has just warn me out. I am home today from work with Zach so I figured now would be a great time to catch up.

Anyways…Thanksgiving. This year was a very emotional Thanksgiving for my family. We recently suffered the tragic loss of my cousin’s 1 year old daughter. Holidays always seem to be the worst and this was the first holiday with out our dear Maddie. There were several times during the weekend that I teared up or saw a family member tear up. They say time heals all wounds. I say God heals all wounds and I pray for my cousin that God would do that.

Other than being emotional we had a great time, though my sister and mom probably couldn’t say the same (we will get to that).

We arrived at my cousin Steve and Lois’ house on Wednesday after a very, very, very long car ride. It took us around 10 hours to get from Pittsburgh to New Milford, NJ. It is very hard to travel with 2 children, especially when we have one potty trained and one nursing. It seemed like whenever we stopped it was for either one child or the other. They just couldn’t coincide and do things together. Abby never had to potty when Zach was ready to nurse and visa versa. Let me just say we made way to many stops on the way there. It was nice to finally get there and just relax. Overall the kids did great!

Our Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) tradition starts off with breakfast at a local diner with several of my other cousins and their families, my aunt Carole, uncle Dave, my sister, and my parents. Then several of us go back over to Steve and Lois’ while Lois gets the sweet potatoes ready. This year my one cousin brought their dog, Timber, to Thanksgiving. Abby loved Timber. They played outside together at my cousin’s house. Abby loved chasing Timber around and just laughing with the dog. It made me very nervous that Abby would then come over and ask for a dog for Christmas. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. I grew up with a black lab named Annie. She was the best dog in the world. I just don’t want the responsibility of a dog. They take so much more work than a cat. Right now I am definitely a cat person. Anyways…she didn’t ask for a dog, so we are safe.

I am sure Dave will hate me for telling this story, but it must be told. Abby and Timber had an up close encounter while playing. Dave was throwing Timber his toy, which was a stuffed animal of some sort, and Timber would run and get it and bring it back to Dave. One time Dave threw it and didn’t notice Abby was practically right behind Timber. Timber turned and started to run to get his toy and collided with Abby. Both Abby and the dog were knocked backwards. I was standing on the deck when it happened and you could hear the two of them hit each other, that is how hard it was. Abby of course cried and wanted an icy. Lois gave her a Winnie the Pooh icy and Abby was better in now time and no worse for the wear. She went right back outside and started playing with Timber again. I think Dave felt worse about the whole thing than Abby did. Sorry Dave!

We then headed over to my Aunt and Uncle’s house for the actual Thanksgiving meal. We had, I believe, 41 people there for Thanksgiving dinner. I don’t know how we do it every year, but we all fit in my Uncle’s house for the meal. Again this year we took a couch out and put it on the front lawn. I wonder what my Uncle’s neighbors think when we do this. We did it last year too to try and fit everyone in the living room. The meal was amazing as always. We always have an appetizer. In the past it has been various soups my cousins Linda and Andy have made. This year it was a piece of fresh mozzarella with 2 slices of tomato and some kind of dressing. Abby really liked the cheese. She is such a cheese ball. The main meal consisted of 2 turkeys, 2 kinds of stuffing (one made by us, which is my favorite), sweet potatoes, corn, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls, macaroni and cheese (for the kids), green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and I can’t remember what else. It was all so delicious! It’s always hard to leave room for desert, but that is later so it gives us time to digest and make room. After the meal we clean up the table and just all sit around the living room talking and just being with each other. I love family time.

Around 5:30pm we headed over to Steve and Lois’ for desert and the traditional signing of the Christmas carols. This was when Thanksgiving started to take a turn for the worse for my poor sister. We got to Steve and Lois’ and she went right into the guest room to crawl into bed and sleep. On the way in the car she began to feel chilled and sick. Oh, Becky! At least she got to enjoy the meal. We then found out later that night after everyone had left that Becky was sick and had gotten sick. We then had to quarantine her to the guest room to prevent her from getting anyone else sick. She was stuck in that room all day Friday and most of Saturday. Hopefully next year she won’t be sick and can be apart of the traditions.

Desert time at Steve and Lois’ is always an adventure. They have a playroom downstairs (which is where we stay) that all the kids just destroy. There are 22 kids ranging from 3 months old to 18 years old at Thanksgiving. Having that many kids in one space is always an adventure. I think Abby was a little overwhelmed, but kind of just did her own thing. Our family missed most of the caroling time this year because it was time for Zach to nurse. We went up stairs where it was a little quieter for Zach. Abby of course wanted to come with us, which was fine. She read some of Josiah’s books and just had some much needed down time.

Overall the day was emotional, wonderful, chaotic, joyous, and just plain fun. I can’t wait until next year!


